Lucidity 2014: Highlights, Hoops and Lights

Article by: emily ward|@_drawylime

Tue November 04, 2014 | 00:00 AM

Since 2012, Southern California's Lucidity Festival has been attracting a tuned-in festival crowd for a very unique festival concept. According to their site, Lucidity is a festival of "open-source transformational arts and music," whose journey is slated to last just six years.

The theme each year is tied to an "epic saga of personal and collective transformation." From Year 1's "Awake In Your Dreams" to the final "Eudaimonia" in Year 6, the journey is now in Year 4 with "A Kindred Quest." Read the whole story here.

2015's festival will be held from April 11-13 near Santa Barbara, and tickets are now available for purchase.