The First Annual Fest300 List, Revealed

Article by: Laura Mason|@masonlazarus

Wed February 18, 2015 | 00:00 AM

As festival lineups and details for 2015 roll in at a steady pace, we here at Fest300 have a lineup of our own to unveil to the world. We are proud to officially reveal the 300 most-loved festivals in the world, all with Fest300's official stamp of approval – trust us, this is a game changer.

Fest300 Map

Let's turn back time for a moment. Fest300 was formed in May 2013. By early 2014, we had handpicked and featured 270 festivals from around the world, honoring fests focusing on music, film, food, and rituals of the sacred, silly and profane. Obviously we chose some of the biggest and most historical festivals in the world, but we've also mixed in the kinds of off-beat festivals you've never heard of – the ones that'll make your eyes pop with wonder and get you booking tickets across the globe to check them out for yourself in seconds flat. Think racing coffins at Frozen Dead Guy Days, epic air guitar wizardry at the Air Guitar World Championship and Thailand's Vegetarian Festival (the only one out there with piercings on the menu). It's not about a ranking system – we're not naming one festival to rule them all. Instead, nearly every region of the world features a top-draw festival that offers equal potential for connecting with a like-minded community and changing your life.

To round out the final 30 we launched a crowdsourcing campaign fueled by you – the party people and adventurous souls who keep the world's festival scene alive and thriving. And boy, were we blown away by the response our crowdsourced campaign received. After one month, 120 nominated festivals and over 30,000 votes later, the final 30 completed our list of 300 from all corners of the world.

Fest300 is a community where experience is often preceded by curiosity. We not only provide an excellent resource for anyone wondering, "Should I go to Coachella this year?" or "What is India's Holi all about?" or "What is the most awe-inspiring festival experience in Africa?" We are also a place where festival-goers and travelers can come together and offer feedback useful to shaping future experiences. Whether you're habitually culturally curious or just beginning to step outside of your comfort zone and embark on a life full of adventures, Fest300 is the place to discover your next epic journey. After all, in the words of our Founder Chip Conley, “We’re all here to celebrate, discover and learn from one another.”

Now that our first annual list is unleashed, we want you to explore it and make your own bucket list using your Fest300 profile. We'll also make sure you stay up on the world's festivals at large via our magazine, through think-pieces, interviews, photos and videos, along with ticket giveaways and more. The beauty of the festival is that no single experience will ever be the same, person by person, year by year. And with each year, as the festivals themselves evolve, our 300 will too.